Kat's over in town for the weekend! It was pure fun shopping with her! She's such a disciplined shopper, she won't buy repeated colors, and designs. Combed quite a few areas, quite a loot she's bringing back I would say! And it's only the first day of proper shopping...
It was nice gushing and browsing through my picture collection of countries together. Shared our favorite titles, and designers. We have an uncanny resemblance in these areas.
M Scott Peck is still quite unheard of I'd say amongst friends our age. Both of us got excited when she actually knew who I was talking about... :P
Anyway, I am going to continue my exercise regime after exams, and finally, prepare for my Shanghai trip IN DETAIL. There's this particular movie I am going to catch as well : The Bucket List. Book next in mind: The Doctors by Erich Seagal.
Shangri-La ; Rose Verenda !
It's been a really long time since I last enjoyed tea, so it was quite a comfort to hold the warm porcelain cup in my hands :)
Am gonna wash up and study a little before hitting the lovely bed!
Have a good Monday ahead sweethearts ;)
Friday, August 26, 2011 || 8:51 AM
Dinner @ Shangri-La, The Line (22/8)
Lunch at MBS, Todai (27/8)
Kite Flying at Marina Barrage (27/8)
Freddy Frog high up in the sky~
Studied for 6 hours straight today, so worn out.
Gonna go drink a warm bottle of chicken essence and get prepared for tomorrow's studying battle.