"Jacqueline Koh
Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting around for somebody to give you flowers"
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Thursday, May 31, 2012 || 5:14 AM
Guess what my boss brought in for me today!
I have the coolest and nicest boss ever, period.
So blessed to meet such nice people in my life when I don't really deserve it.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 || 9:56 AM
(Dickson, Yion, Me, Jason, Alicia, Rebecca)
Missing out Josh and Hafiz
I was talking to my boss about a recent suicide which happened opposite her block.
"I think they need either God, or friends in their life."
Thank god, for you guys.
A few of em missing in this picture but hey,
thank you for being so wonderful, and thank you for giving me a reason to love every single one of you.
Especially the one in white.
You always see the better side in me, no matter how much I fail you. This is probably why I keep telling my friends who wants to know what sort of person you are. I always tell them 'She's a true lover. Never met anyone who loves so passionately and truly.'
I also know about the things you have done for me silently. I know it all. I wish i'm able to express myself a little better for you.
Have fun, and keep safe in Milan.
Jason's leaving for Hong Kong before heading to Aussie to study. Thank you for all the good times.
Smoking buddies - used to run off to staircases to have a puff in between lectures in Year 1 and stink up the entire lecture hall/project group mates/ the one i always love to make fun of, especially when you refuse to shave your beard / running buddy in Year 1/ the one my parents know as 'Hongkee' / all the high-teas, dinner and lunch dates we have/ the one i used to talk bout life and philosophies/ the one who piggybacked me in Lombok/ the one whom i always think about when thinking of who to invite over for steamboats/ fruity beer orderer/ thank you for always accompanying me to flea-markets/ for tanning with me/ drinking over at Bry's place. There's too much to list.
Thank god for Skype, FB & Twitter.
I'll always want to know how's life on your side.
Thank you, for all the good times.
Love you.
On a brighter note,
to a soulmate, Happy birthday! Thank you for being a twin whom i'll always be able to relate to.
Oh hello, gorgeous.
Saturday, May 26, 2012 || 12:42 PM
"When birds look into houses, what impossible worlds they see."
Credits to HONY
This is gonna set me thinking for some time.
Of both the quote, and whether I should get something like this.
|| 1:35 AM
(How Anna Wintour chooses covers for Vogue)
Friday, May 25, 2012 || 11:26 AM
Graduation to me, seems like an event which is overly buzzed over and upon. So many people were discussing beforehand what to wear, and there was so much hype over going up on stage to receive the diploma. To me, it was more of a 'breaking out of working life, walking into tertiary grounds and mingle with friends' kind-of-break. When i attended grad, i was constantly telling myself to appreciate this moment, not because it's all so glamorous and that I have achieved a milestone in life. To me, this is a really small milestone, and there should be much more for me to expect upon myself. I told myself to relish this moment because I know that after that very day, after I stepped out of the picture filled with throngs of people, it also beckons the reality that there would be people - acquaintances I will never meet or hear from/speak to again. I appreciate the magical fact that amongst so many people in this universe, it was him him/ her her whom I met, and had a short connection, and that no matter how powerful the brain is, the conscious will never remember those whom you had spent probably three minutes of your life speaking to. But once, once upon a polytechnic time, there was a connection.
To me, graduation was probably more of this, rather than a celebration of what I have *coughs* achieved. It was more of a celebration of people whom I have connected with, for the shortest period of time. And also, perhaps the fear I felt standing tall in my red stilettos, worrying that they might fall off anytime on stage. It was funny how so many lecturers and even the Wing Tai sponsor told me after the ceremony that 'Hey, you know you are the only girl who wore a pair of red heels!'
Celebratory of the pair of red heels.
(and the aching feet which came afterwards)
Parents and brother are off to China to attend a family friend's wedding. I refunded the tickets and chose to stay in town (Wow...I know right, this is probably the first time I am rejecting a trip...)
It's alright, gotta be more focused on more important things and responsibilities here first. Can't think of play all the time. Will think of that when i think i deserve it..
Need to get some stuff fixed, lappy crashed, literally. A nail broke - but this weighs about 1/10 in the importance scale, a friendship to mend, and my soul to rejuvenate. I think the weekend would be a great help to check some items off this list.
I also need a white blazer, black blazer, pair of tailored drop crotch pants and change all my hangers to all wooden ones.
Thursday, May 24, 2012 || 7:21 AM
A very dependable feature of people who live abroad is finding them huddled together in bars and restaurants, talking not just about their homelands, but about the experience of leaving. And strangely enough, these groups of ex-pats aren’t necessarily all from the same home countries, often the mere experience of trading lands and cultures is enough to link them together and build the foundations of a friendship. I knew a decent amount of ex pats — of varying lengths of stay — back in America, and it’s reassuring to see that here in Europe, the “foreigner” bars are just as prevalent and filled with the same warm, nostalgic chatter.
But one thing that undoubtedly exists between all of us, something that lingers unspoken at all of our gatherings, is fear. There is a palpable fear to living in a new country, and though it is more acute in the first months, even year, of your stay, it never completely evaporates as time goes on. It simply changes. The anxiousness that was once concentrated on how you’re going to make new friends, adjust, and master the nuances of the language has become the repeated question “What am I missing?” As you settle into your new life and country, as time passes and becomes less a question of how long you’ve been here and more one of how long you’ve been gone, you realize that life back home has gone on without you. People have grown up, they’ve moved, they’ve married, they’ve become completely different people — and so have you.
It’s hard to deny that the act of living in another country, in another language, fundamentally changes you. Different parts of your personality sort of float to the top, and you take on qualities, mannerisms, and opinions that define the new people around you. And there’s nothing wrong with that; it’s often part of the reason you left in the first place. You wanted to evolve, to change something, to put yourself in an uncomfortable new situation that would force you to into a new phase of your life.
So many of us, when we leave our home countries, want to escape ourselves. We build up enormous webs of people, of bars and coffee shops, of arguments and exes and the same five places over and over again, from which we feel we can’t break free. There are just too many bridges that have been burned, or love that has turned sour and ugly, or restaurants at which you’ve eaten everything on the menu at least ten times — the only way to escape and to wipe your slate clean is to go somewhere where no one knows who you were, and no one is going to ask. And while it’s enormously refreshing and exhilarating to feel like you can be anyone you want to be and come without the baggage of your past, you realize just how much of “you” was based more on geographic location than anything else.
Walking streets alone and eating dinner at tables for one — maybe with a book, maybe not — you’re left alone for hours, days on end with nothing but your own thoughts. You start talking to yourself, asking yourself questions and answering them, and taking in the day’s activities with a slowness and an appreciation that you’ve never before even attempted. Even just going to the grocery store — when in an exciting new place, when all by yourself, when in a new language — is a thrilling activity. And having to start from zero and rebuild everything, having to re-learn how to live and carry out every day activities like a child, fundamentally alters you. Yes, the country and its people will have their own effect on who you are and what you think, but few things are more profound than just starting over with the basics and relying on yourself to build a life again. I have yet to meet a person who I didn’t find calmed by the experience. There is a certain amount of comfort and confidence that you gain with yourself when you go to this new place and start all over again, and a knowledge that — come what may in the rest of your life — you were capable of taking that leap and landing softly at least once.
But there are the fears. And yes, life has gone on without you. And the longer you stay in your new home, the more profound those changes will become. Holidays, birthdays, weddings — every event that you miss suddenly becomes a tick mark on an endless ream of paper. One day, you simply look back and realize that so much has happened in your absence, that so much has changed. You find it harder and harder to start conversations with people who used to be some of your best friends, and in-jokes become increasingly foreign — you have become an outsider. There are those who stay so long that they can never go back. We all meet the ex-pat who has been in his new home for 30 years and who seems to have almost replaced the missed years spent back in his homeland with full, passionate immersion into his new country. Yes, technically they are immigrants. Technically their birth certificate would place them in a different part of the world. But it’s undeniable that whatever life they left back home, they could never pick up all the pieces to. That old person is gone, and you realize that every day, you come a tiny bit closer to becoming that person yourself — even if you don’t want to.
So you look at your life, and the two countries that hold it, and realize that you are now two distinct people. As much as your countries represent and fulfill different parts of you and what you enjoy about life, as much as you have formed unbreakable bonds with people you love in both places, as much as you feel truly at home in either one, so you are divided in two. For the rest of your life, or at least it feels this way, you will spend your time in one naggingly longing for the other, and waiting until you can get back for at least a few weeks and dive back into the person you were back there. It takes so much to carve out a new life for yourself somewhere new, and it can’t die simply because you’ve moved over a few time zones. The people that took you into their country and became your new family, they aren’t going to mean any less to you when you’re far away.
When you live abroad, you realize that, no matter where you are, you will always be an ex-pat. There will always be a part of you that is far away from its home and is lying dormant until it can breathe and live in full color back in the country where it belongs. To live in a new place is a beautiful, thrilling thing, and it can show you that you can be whoever you want — on your own terms. It can give you the gift of freedom, of new beginnings, of curiosity and excitement. But to start over, to get on that plane, doesn’t come without a price. You cannot be in two places at once, and from now on, you will always lay awake on certain nights and think of all the things you’re missing out on back home.
Sunday, May 20, 2012 || 3:11 AM
My week in pictures.
It has been a fashion filled week for Singapore.
(Asia Fashion Summit, Blueprint, Audi Fashion Fest, Presentation launches, stylists, bloggers, buyers, editors from all over flying in to our sunny lil island - which is world's 8th fashion capital mind you! ;) )
Went to Blueprint's tradeshow, and approached brands which was marked out beforehand. Lugged home a bagful of line-sheets and look-books.
Went to Suecomma Bonnie's cruise presentation launch. Editor of Marie Claire Italy -Antonio Mancinelli sat beside me, literally rubbing outfits! There were some Korean stars present as well.
Suecomma Bonnie is a Korean based label specializing in shoes. The designer is as known Sue-boutin in Korea. Thankfully, her heels are mostly at least 5". The higher it is, the more elegant and it gives the women a better posture when they walk. Love the colours. Pretty statement, don't you think?
Received two tickets from Audi. Went with Fizz to alldressedup's show.
Thank you Audi. Definitely refreshing to see so many well dressed people in Orchard.
Had pretty good seats too, look whose opposite us! Chairman of AFF, Dick Lee. Loving his suit btw.
